

  • $19.95

Immune Support Tea

A naturopathic formulated blend. Warming, antioxidant rich, to boost immunity & assist circulation.

Echinacea is for strengthening immunity. 
Peppermint boosts energy.

Ginger as an antispasmodic & for warmth.

Elderflower to assist respiratory function.

Rosehip is high in Vitamin C.

Hawthorne Berry aids the circulatory system & is traditionally used as a way to control blood pressure & cholesterol.

Rosella (Wild Hibiscus) are a high source of anthocyanin antioxidants & can assist a healthier heart.

Recommended Use: 

Infuse for 8-10 mins, drink as often as needed. Add natural sweetener for taste.


100% Pure Organic Botanicals

Echinacea. Ginger. Peppermint. Elderflower. Hawthorne Berry. Rosehip. Rosella.

Care Instructions:

Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs.